
Pipeline(self, model, dataloader_cls)

Runs model predictions from raw files:

raw files --(dataloader)--> data batches --(model)--> prediction


  • model: model returned by kipoi.get_model
  • dataloader_cls: dataloader class returned by kipoi.get_dataloader_factory of kipoi.get_model().default_dataloader


Pipeline.predict_example(self, batch_size=32, output_file=None, **kwargs)

Run model prediction for the example file


  • batch_size: batch_size
  • output_file: if not None, inputs and predictions are stored to output_file path
  • **kwargs: Further arguments passed to batch_iter


Pipeline.predict(self, dataloader_kwargs, batch_size=32, **kwargs)


  • dataloader_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the pre-processor
  • **kwargs: Further arguments passed to batch_iter


np.array, dict, list: Predict the whole array


Pipeline.predict_generator(self, dataloader_kwargs, batch_size=32, layer=None, **kwargs)

Prediction generator


  • dataloader_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the dataloader
  • batch_size: Size of batches produced by the dataloader
  • layer: If not None activation of specified layer will be returned. Only possible for models that are a subclass of LayerActivationMixin.
  • **kwargs: Further arguments passed to batch_iter


  • dict: model batch prediction


Pipeline.predict_to_file(self, output_file, dataloader_kwargs, batch_size=32, keep_inputs=False, keep_metadata=False, **kwargs)

Make predictions and write them iteratively to a file


  • output_file: output file path. File format is inferred from the file path ending. Available file formats are: 'bed', 'h5', 'hdf5', 'tsv'
  • dataloader_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the dataloader
  • batch_size: Batch size used for the dataloader
  • keep_inputs: if True, inputs and targets will also be written to the output file.
  • keep_metadata: if True, metadata will also be written to the output file.
  • **kwargs: Further arguments passed to batch_iter


Pipeline.input_grad(self, dataloader_kwargs, batch_size=32, filter_idx=None, avg_func=None, layer=None, final_layer=True, selected_fwd_node=None, pre_nonlinearity=False, **kwargs)

Get input gradients


  • dataloader_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the dataloader
  • batch_size: Batch size used for the dataloader
  • filter_idx: filter index of layer for which the gradient should be returned
  • avg_func: String name of averaging function to be applied across filters in layer layer
  • layer: layer from which backwards the gradient should be calculated
  • final_layer: Use the final (classification) layer as layer
  • selected_fwd_node: None - not supported by KerasModel at the moment
  • pre_nonlinearity: Try to use the layer output prior to activation (will not always be possible in an automatic way)
  • **kwargs: Further arguments passed to input_grad


dict: A dictionary of all model inputs and the gradients. Gradients are stored in key 'grads'


Pipeline.input_grad_generator(self, dataloader_kwargs, batch_size=32, filter_idx=None, avg_func=None, layer=None, final_layer=True, selected_fwd_node=None, pre_nonlinearity=False, **kwargs)

Get input gradients


  • dataloader_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the dataloader
  • batch_size: Batch size used for the dataloader
  • filter_idx: filter index of layer for which the gradient should be returned
  • avg_func: String name of averaging function to be applied across filters in layer layer
  • layer: layer from which backwards the gradient should be calculated
  • final_layer: Use the final (classification) layer as layer
  • selected_fwd_node: None - not supported by KerasModel at the moment
  • pre_nonlinearity: Try to use the layer output prior to activation (will not always be possible in an automatic way)
  • **kwargs: Further arguments passed to input_grad


  • dict: A dictionary of all model inputs and the gradients. Gradients are stored in key 'grads'