Type: keras
Postprocessing: variant_effects
Trained on: Data from multiple sources including ENCODE ChIPseq, HT-SELEX datasets, etc. 204 to 1000 called peaks used for training.
'''Simple PWM-scanning model PWM database: HOCOMOCO URL: Paper: Kulakovskiy et al 2015, HOCOMOCO: expansion and enhancement of the collection of transcription factor binding sites models: doi:10.1093/nar/gkv1249 '''
kipoi env create pwm_HOCOMOCO
source activate kipoi-pwm_HOCOMOCO
kipoi test pwm_HOCOMOCO/human/TF7L2 --source=kipoi
kipoi get-example pwm_HOCOMOCO/human/TF7L2 -o example
kipoi predict pwm_HOCOMOCO/human/TF7L2 \
--dataloader_args='{"intervals_file": "example/intervals_file", "fasta_file": "example/fasta_file"}' \
-o '/tmp/pwm_HOCOMOCO|human|TF7L2.example_pred.tsv'
# check the results
head '/tmp/pwm_HOCOMOCO|human|TF7L2.example_pred.tsv'
kipoi env create pwm_HOCOMOCO
source activate kipoi-pwm_HOCOMOCO
import kipoi
model = kipoi.get_model('pwm_HOCOMOCO/human/TF7L2')
pred = model.pipeline.predict_example(batch_size=4)
# Download example dataloader kwargs
dl_kwargs = model.default_dataloader.download_example('example')
# Get the dataloader and instantiate it
dl = model.default_dataloader(**dl_kwargs)
# get a batch iterator
batch_iterator = dl.batch_iter(batch_size=4)
for batch in batch_iterator:
# predict for a batch
batch_pred = model.predict_on_batch(batch['inputs'])
pred = model.pipeline.predict(dl_kwargs, batch_size=4)
kipoi <- import('kipoi')
model <- kipoi$get_model('pwm_HOCOMOCO/human/TF7L2')
predictions <- model$pipeline$predict_example()
# Download example dataloader kwargs
dl_kwargs <- model$default_dataloader$download_example('example')
# Get the dataloader
dl <- model$default_dataloader(dl_kwargs)
# get a batch iterator
it <- dl$batch_iter(batch_size=4)
# predict for a batch
batch <- iter_next(it)
pred <- model$pipeline$predict(dl_kwargs, batch_size=4)
docker pull kipoi/kipoi-docker:sharedpy3keras2tf2-slim
docker pull kipoi/kipoi-docker:sharedpy3keras2tf2
docker run -it kipoi/kipoi-docker:sharedpy3keras2tf2-slim
docker run kipoi/kipoi-docker:sharedpy3keras2tf2-slim kipoi test pwm_HOCOMOCO/human/TF7L2 --source=kipoi
# Create an example directory containing the data
mkdir -p $PWD/kipoi-example
# You can replace $PWD/kipoi-example with a different absolute path containing the data
docker run -v $PWD/kipoi-example:/app/ kipoi/kipoi-docker:sharedpy3keras2tf2-slim \
kipoi get-example pwm_HOCOMOCO/human/TF7L2 -o /app/example
docker run -v $PWD/kipoi-example:/app/ kipoi/kipoi-docker:sharedpy3keras2tf2-slim \
kipoi predict pwm_HOCOMOCO/human/TF7L2 \
--dataloader_args='{'intervals_file': '/app/example/intervals_file', 'fasta_file': '/app/example/fasta_file'}' \
-o '/app/pwm_HOCOMOCO_human_TF7L2.example_pred.tsv'
# check the results
head $PWD/kipoi-example/pwm_HOCOMOCO_human_TF7L2.example_pred.tsv
kipoi get-example pwm_HOCOMOCO/human/TF7L2 -o example
kipoi predict pwm_HOCOMOCO/human/TF7L2 \
--dataloader_args='{"intervals_file": "example/intervals_file", "fasta_file": "example/fasta_file"}' \
-o 'pwm_HOCOMOCO_human_TF7L2.example_pred.tsv' \
# check the results
head pwm_HOCOMOCO_human_TF7L2.example_pred.tsv
Defined as: kipoiseq.dataloaders.SeqIntervalDl
Doc: Dataloader for a combination of fasta and tab-delimited input files such as bed files. The dataloader extracts regions from the fasta file as defined in the tab-delimited `intervals_file` and converts them into one-hot encoded format. Returned sequences are of the type np.array with the shape inferred from the arguments: `alphabet_axis` and `dummy_axis`.
Authors: Ziga Avsec , Roman Kreuzhuber
Type: Dataset
License: MIT
intervals_file : bed3+<columns> file path containing intervals + (optionally) labels
fasta_file : Reference genome FASTA file path.
num_chr_fasta (optional): True, the the dataloader will make sure that the chromosomes don't start with chr.
label_dtype (optional): None, datatype of the task labels taken from the intervals_file. Example: str, int, float, np.float32
auto_resize_len (optional): None, required sequence length.
use_strand (optional): reverse-complement fasta sequence if bed file defines negative strand. Requires a bed6 file
ignore_targets (optional): if True, don't return any target variables
- python=3.8
- h5py
- pip=22.0.4
- tensorflow
- keras
- bioconda::pybedtools
- bioconda::pyfaidx
- bioconda::pyranges
- numpy
- pandas
- kipoiseq