
The model.yaml file describes the individual model in the model zoo. It defines its dependencies, framework, architecture, input / output schema, general information and more. Correct definitions in the model.yaml enable to make full use of Kipoi features and make sure that a model can be executed at any point in future.

To help understand the syntax of YAML please take a look at: YAML Syntax Basics

Here is an example model.yaml:

defined_as: kipoi.model.KerasModel  
args:  # arguments of `kipoi.model.KerasModel`
        md5: 1234567890abc
        md5: 1234567890abc
default_dataloader: . # path to the dataloader directory. Or to the dataloader class, e.g.: `kipoiseq.dataloaders.SeqIntervalDl
info: # General information about the model
        - name: Your Name
          github: your_github_username
          email: [email protected]
    doc: Model predicting the Iris species
    cite_as: # preferably a doi url to the paper
    trained_on: Iris species dataset ( # short dataset description
    license: MIT # Software License - defaults to MIT
    conda: # install via conda
      - python
      - h5py
      - pip
      # - soumith::pytorch  # specify packages from other channels via <channel>::<package>      
    pip:   # install via pip
      - keras>=2.0.4
      - tensorflow>=1.0
schema:  # Model schema
            shape: (4,)  # array shape of a single sample (omitting the batch dimension)
            doc: "Features in cm: sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width."
        shape: (3,)
        doc: "One-hot encoded array of classes: setosa, versicolor, virginica."

The model.yaml file has the following mandatory fields:


The model type refers to base framework which the model was defined in. Kipoi comes with a support for Keras, PyTorch, SciKit-learn and tensorflow models. To indicate which kind of model will be used the respective class name in Kipoi has to be used. Therefore defined_as can be one of the followinf values: kipoi.model.KerasModel, kipoi.model.PyTorchModel, kipoi.model.SklearnModel, and kipoi.model.TensorFlowModel. If you wrote your own Kipoi model class, you called it MyModel, and you defined it in the file, then the type field would be: my_model.MyModel.

The model type is required to find the right internal prepresentation of a model within Kipoi, which enables loading weights and architecture correctly and offers to have a unified API across frameworks.

In the model.yaml file the definition of a Keras model would like this:

defined_as: kipoi.model.KerasModel  


Model arguments define where the files are files and functions are located to instantiate the model. Most entries of args will contain links to zenodo or figshare downloads. The correct definition of args depends on the model defined_as that was selected:

kipoi.model.KerasModel models

For Keras models the following args are available:

  • weights: URL and md5 of the hdf5 weights or the hdf5 Keras model.
  • arch: Architecture json model. If None, weights is assumed to speficy the whole model
  • custom_objects: URL and md5 of python file defining the custom Keras objects in a OBJECTS dictionary
  • backend: Keras backend to use ('tensorflow', 'theano', 'cntk')
  • image_dim_ordering: 'tf' or 'th': Whether the model was trained with using 'tf' ('channels_last') or 'th' ('cannels_first') dimension ordering.

The Keras framework offers different ways to store model architecture and weights:

  • Architecture and weights can be stored separately:
defined_as: kipoi.model.KerasModel
        md5: 1234567890abc
        md5: 1234567890abc
  • The architecture can be stored together with the weights:
defined_as: kipoi.model.KerasModel
        md5: 1234567890abc

In Keras models can have custom layers, which then have to be available at the instantiation of the Keras model, those should be stored in one python file that is uploaded with the model architecture and weights. This file defines a dictionary containing custom Keras components called OBJECTS. These objects will be added to custom_objects when loading the model with keras.models.load_model.

Example of a

from concise.layers import SplineT

OBJECTS = {"SplineT": SplineT}

Example of the corresponding model.yaml entry:

defined_as: kipoi.model.KerasModel

Here all the objects present in will be made available to Keras when loading the model.

kipoi.model.PyTorchModel models

Pytorch offers much freedom as to how the model is stored. In Kipoi a pytorch model has the following args: weights, module_class, module_kwargs, module_obj. PyTorch models require python code in which the model is defined. The code that defines the model should not attempt load the weights, as this is done inside the PyTorchModel class in Kipoi using the model.load_state_dict(torch.load(weights)) command.

For example the pytorch model definition could be in a file

from torch import nn

class DummyModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        super(DummyModel, self).__init__()
        # Some code here

    def forward(self, x):
        # some code here
        return x

Assuming that the file lies in the same folder as the model.yaml, the default way for loading this model in Kiopi is then as follows:

defined_as: kipoi.model.PyTorchModel
    module_class: my_pytorch_model.DummyModel
      x: 1
      y: 2
      z: 3
        md5: 1234567890abc

If the module class does not have any arguments then module_kwargs can be omitted.

If you use Sequential models (torch.nn.Sequential) or you generate a module instance in your file, then you can use the module_obj in model.yaml to load that module:

defined_as: kipoi.model.PyTorchModel
    module_obj: my_sequential.sequential_model
        md5: 1234567890abc

where for example contains:

import torch
sequential_model = torch.nn.Sequential(...)

If you have trouble with the imports or if you would like to import a module from a parent directory you can explicitly specify the python file path:

defined_as: kipoi.model.PyTorchModel
    module_file: ./
    module_obj: sequential_model
        md5: 1234567890abc

If cuda is available on the system then the model will automatically be switched to cuda mode, so the user does not have to take care of that.

kipoi.model.SklearnModel models

SciKit-learn models can be loaded from a pickle file as defined below. The command used for loading is: joblib.load(pkl_file)

defined_as: kipoi.model.SklearnModel
      md5: 1234567890abc
  predict_method: predict_proba  # Optional. predict by default. Available: predict, predict_proba, predict_log_proba

kipoi.model.TensorFlowModel models

Tensorflow models are expected to be stored by calling saver = tf.train.Saver(); The input_nodes argument is then a string, list of strings or dictionary of strings that define the input node names. The target_nodes argument is a string, list of strings or dictionary of strings that define the model target node names.

defined_as: kipoi.model.TensorFlowModel
  input_nodes: "inputs"
  target_nodes: "preds"
      md5: 1234567890abc

If a model requires a constant feed of data which is not provided by the dataloader the const_feed_dict_pkl argument can be defined additionally to the above. Values given in the pickle file will be added to the batch samples created by the dataloader. If values with identical keys have been created by the dataloader they will be overwritten with what is given in const_feed_dict_pkl.

defined_as: kipoi.model.TensorFlowModel
      md5: 1234567890abc

custom models

It is possible to defined a model class independent of the ones which are made available in Kipoi. In that case the contributor-defined Model class must be a subclass of BaseModel defined in kipoi.model. Custom models should never deviate from using only numpy arrays, lists thereof, or dictionaries thereof as input for the predict_on_batch function. This is essential to maintain a homogeneous and clear interface between dataloaders and models in the Kipoi zoo!

If for example a custom model class definition (MyModel) is in a file, then the model.yaml will contain:

defined_as: my_model.MyModel

Kipoi will then use an instance of MyModel as a model. Keep in mind that MyModel has to be subclass of BaseModel, which in other words means that def predict_on_batch(self, x) has to be implemented. So if batch is for example what the dataloader returns for a batch then predict_on_batch(batch['inputs']) has to work.

It is likely that MyModel will require additional files to work. The Kipoi way of using such files is by defining Model in the following way:

from kipoi.model import BaseModel

class MyModel(BaseModel):
    def __init__(self, external_file): = read_my_file(external_file)

The file will be downloaded from zenodo or figshare automatically and assigned to the external_file argument if the model.yaml contains:

defined_as: my_model.MyModel
        md5: 1234567890abc


The info field of a model.yaml file contains general information about the model.

  • authors: a list of authors with the field: name, and the optional fields: github and email. Where the github name is the github user id of the respective author
  • doc: Free text documentation of the model. A short description of what it does and what it is designed for.
  • license: String indicating the license, if not defined it defaults to MIT
  • tags: A list of key words describing the model and its use cases
  • cite_as: Link to the journal, arXiv, ...
  • trained_on: Description of the training dataset
  • training_procedure: Description of the training procedure

A dummy example could look like this:

    - name: My Name
      github: myGithubName
      email: [email protected]
    - name: Second Author
  doc: My model description
  license: GNU
    - TFBS
    - tag2
  trained_on: The XXXX dataset from YYYY
  training_procedure: 10-fold cross validation


The default_dataloader defines the dataloader that should be used for the given model. It can either be defined by a package like kipoiseq or it can be defined by the contributor.

Using a pre-defined dataloader

If one of the ready-made dataloaders on kipoiseq fits the needs of your model, then please follow the instructions on kipoiseq. The default_dataloader in the model.yaml would then for example be:

  defined_as: kipoiseq.dataloaders.SeqIntervalDl
    auto_resize_len: 1000
    alphabet_axis: 0
    dummy_axis: 1
    dtype: float32

Using a custom dataloader

If you need a specialised dataloader you are encouraged to used as many methods and classes from within kipoiseq as possible as their functionality is tested. See more information on writing a dataloader and its companion yaml. Both of those files should lie in the same folder as the model.yaml. Then the default_dataloader entry in model.yaml is:

default_dataloader: .

It points to the location of the dataloader.yaml file. If dataloader.yaml lies in different subfolder then default_dataloader: path/to/folder would be used where dataloader.yaml would lie in folder.


Schema defines what the model inputs and outputs are, what they consist in and what the dimensions are.

schema contains two categories inputs and targets which each specify the shapes of the model input and model output.

In general model inputs and outputs can either be a numpy array, a list of numpy arrays or a dictionary (or OrderedDict) of numpy arrays. Whatever format is defined in the schema is expected to be produced by the dataloader and is expected to be accepted as input by the model. The three different kinds are represented by the single entries, lists or dictionaries in the yaml definition:

  • A single numpy array as input or target:
       name: seq
       shape: (1000,4)
  • A list of numpy arrays as inputs or targets:
       - name: seq
         shape: (1000,4)
       - name: inp2
         shape: (10)
  • A dictionary of numpy arrays as inputs or targets:
         shape: (1000,4)
         shape: (10)


The inputs fields of schema may be lists, dictionaries or single occurences of the following entries:

  • shape: Required: A tuple defining the shape of a single input sample. E.g. for a model that predicts a batch of (1000, 4) inputs shape: (1000, 4) should be set. If a dimension is of variable size then the numerical should be replaced by None.
  • doc: A free text description of the model input
  • name: Name of model input , not required if input is a dictionary.
  • special_type: Possibility to flag that respective input is a 1-hot encoded DNA sequence (special_type: DNASeq) or a string DNA sequence (special_type: DNAStringSeq).


The targets fields of schema may be lists, dictionaries or single occurences of the following entries:

  • shape: Required: Details see in input
  • doc: A free text description of the model input
  • name: Name of model target, not required if target is a dictionary.
  • column_labels: Labels for the tasks of a multitask matrix output. Can be the file name of a text file containing the task labels (one label per line).

How model types handle schemas

The different model types handle those three different encapsulations of numpy arrays differently:

KerasModel models


In case a Keras model is used the batch produced by the dataloader is passed on as it is to the model.predict_on_batch() function. So if for example a dictionary is defined in the model.yaml and that is produced by the dataloader then this dicationary is passed on to model.predict_on_batch().


The model is expected to return the schema that is defined in model.yaml. If for example a model returns a list of numpy arrays then that has to be defined correctly in the model.yaml schema.

PyTorchModel models

Pytorch needs torch.autograd.Variable instances to work. Hence all inputs are automatically converted into Variable objects and results are converted back into numpy arrays transparently. If cuda is available the model will automatically be used in cuda mode and also the input variables will be switched to cuda.


For prediction the following will happen to the tree different encapsulations of input arrays:

  • A single array: Will be passed directly as the only argument to model call: model(Variable(from_numpy(x)))
  • A list of arrays: The model will be called with the list of converted array as args (e.g.: model(*list_of_variables))
  • A dictionary of arrays: The model will be called with the dictionary of converted array as kwargs (e.g.: model(**dict_of_variables))

The model return values will be converted back into encapsulations of numpy arrays, where:

  • a single Variable object will be converted into a numpy arrays
  • lists of Variable objects will be converted into a list of numpy arrays in the same order and

SklearnModel models

The batch generated by the dataloader will be passed on directly to the SciKit-learn model using model.predict(x), model.predict_proba(x) or model.predict_log_proba (depending on the predict_method argument).

TensorFlowModel models


The feed_dict for running a tensorflow session is generated by converting the batch samples into the feed_dict using input_nodes defined in the args section of the model.yaml. For prediction the following will happen to the tree different encapsulations of input arrays:

  • If input_nodes is a single string the model will be fed with a dictionary {input_ops: x}
  • If input_nodes is a list then the batch is also exptected to be a list in the corresponding order and the feed dict will be created from that.
  • If input_nodes is a dictionary then the batch is also exptected to be a dictionary with the same keys and the feed dict will be created from that.

The return value of the tensorflow model is returned without further transformations and the model outpu schema defined in the schema field of model.yaml has to match that.


One of the core elements of ensuring functionality of a model is to define software dependencies correctly and strictly. Dependencies can be defined for conda and for pip using the conda and pip sections respectively.

Both can either be defined as a list of packages or as a text file (ending in .txt) which lists the dependencies.

Conda as well as pip dependencies can and should be defined with exact versions of the required packages, as defining a package version using e.g.: package>=1.0 is very likely to break at some point in future.

If your model is a python-based model and you have not tested whether your model works in python 2 and python 3, then make sure that you also add the correct python version as a dependency e.g.: python=2.7.


Conda dependencies can be defined as lists or if the dependencies are defined in a text file then the path of the text must be given (ending in .txt).

If conda packages need to be loaded from a channel then the nomenclature channel_name::package_name can be used.


Pip dependencies can be defined as lists or if the dependencies are defined in a text file then the path of the text must be given (ending in .txt).