Python API

See the ipython notebook tutorials/python-api for additional information and a working example of the API. Here is a list of most useful python commands.

import kipoi

List all models


Get the model

Before getting started with models take a short look what a Kipoi model actually is. Kipoi model have to have the following folder structure in which all the relevant files have their assigned places:

├── model.yaml        # describes the model
├── dataloader.yaml   # (optional) describes the dataloader
└──     # (optional) implements the dataloader

The core file that defines a model is model.yaml, for more details please look at the docs for contributing models.

Now let's get started with the model:

model = kipoi.get_model("Basset")

** Aside: get_model and models versus model groups**:

get_model expects to receive a path to a directory containing a model.yaml file. This file specifies the underlying model, data loader, and other model attributes.
If instead you provide get_model a path to a model group (e.g "lsgkm-SVM/Tfbs/Ap2alpha/"), rather than one model (e.g "lsgkm-SVM/Tfbs/Ap2alpha/Helas3/Sydh_Std"), or any other directory without a model.yaml file, get_model will throw a ValueError.

If you want to access a model that is not part of the Kipoi model zoo, please use:

model = kipoi.get_model("path/to/my/model", source="dir")

If you wish to access the model for a particular commit, use the github permalink:

model = kipoi.get_model("", source='github-permalink')

Access information about the model

In the following commands a few properties of the model will be shown: # Information about the author:

model.default_dataloader # Access the default dataloader

model.model # Access the underlying Keras model

Test the model

Every Kipoi model comes with a small test dataset, which is used to assert its functionality in the nightly tests. This model test function can be accessed by:

pred = model.pipeline.predict_example()

Get predictions for the raw files

For any generation of the model output the dataloader has to be executed first. A dataloader will require input arguments in which the input files are defined, for example input fasta files or bed files, based on which the model input is generated. One way to display the keyword arguments a dataloader accepts is the following:


The output of the function above will tell you which arguments you can use when running the following command. Alternatively, you can view the dataloader arguments on the model's website (<model>). Let's assume that model.default_dataloder.print_args() has informed us that the dataloader accepts the arguments dataloader_arg1 and targets_file. You can get the model prediction using kipoi.pipeline.predict:

model.pipeline.predict({"dataloader_arg1": "...", "targets_file": "..."})

Specifically, for the Basset model, you would run the following:

dl_kwargs = model.default_dataloader.download_example('example')

# Run the prediction
pred = model.pipeline.predict(dl_kwargs, batch_size=4)

Setup the dataloader

If you don't want to use the model.pipeline.predict function, but you would rather execute the dataloader yourself then you can do the following:

dl = model.default_dataloader(dataloader_arg1="...", targets_file="...")

This generates a dataloader object dl.

Note: kipoi.get_model("<mymodel>").default_dataloader is the same as kipoi.get_dataloader_factory("<mymodel>")

Predict for a single batch

Data can be requested from the dataloader through its iterator functionality, which can then be used to perform model predictions.

# Get the batch iterator
it = dl.batch_iter(batch_size=32)

# get a single batch
single_batch = next(it)

It is important to note that the dataloader can also annotate model inputs with additional metadata. The model.pipeline command therefore selects the values in the inputs key as it is shown in the example:

# Make a prediction
predictions = model.predict_on_batch(single_batch['inputs'])

Re-train the model

it_train = dl.batch_train_iter(batch_size=32)  # will yield tuples (inputs, targets) indefinitely

# Since we are using a Keras model, run:
model.model.fit_generator(it_train, steps_per_epoch=len(dl)//32, epochs=10)