
The dataloader.yaml file describes how a dataloader for a certain model can be created and how it has to be set up. A model without functional dataloader is as bad as a model that doesn't work, so the correct setup of the dataloader.yaml is essential for the use of a model in the zoo. Make sure you have read Writing

To help understand the syntax of YAML please take a look at: YAML Syntax Basics

Here is an example dataloader.yaml:

defined_as: dataloader.MyDataset  # We need to implement MyDataset class inheriting from in
        # descr: > allows multi-line fields
        doc: >
          Csv file of the Iris Plants Database from
        type: str
            url:  # example file
            md5: 7a6s5d76as5d76a5sd7
        doc: >
          Csv file of the Iris Plants Database targets.
          Not required for making the prediction.
        type: str
            url:  # example file
            md5: 76sd8f7687sd6fs68a67
        optional: True  # if not present, the `targets` field will not be present in the dataloader output
        - name: Your Name
          github: your_github_account
          email: [email protected]
    doc: Model predicting the Iris species
      - python
      - pandas
      - numpy
      - sklearn
            shape: (4,)
            doc: Features in cm: sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width.
        shape: (3, )
        doc: One-hot encoded array of classes: setosa, versicolor, virginica.
    metadata:  # field providing additional information to the samples (not directly required by the model)
            type: int
            doc: Just an example metadata column


The type of the dataloader indicates from which class the dataloader is inherits. It has to be one of the following values:

  • PreloadedDataset
  • Dataset
  • BatchDataset
  • SampleIterator
  • SampleGenerator
  • BatchIterator
  • BatchGenerator


defined_as indicates where the dataloader class can be found. It is a string value of file.ClassName where file refers to file in the same directory as dataloader.yaml which contains the data-loader class ClassName. E.g.: dataloader.MyDataLoader.

This class will then be instantiated by Kipoi with keyword arguments that have to be mentioned explicitly in args (see below).


A dataloader will always require arguments, they might for example be a path to the reference genome fasta file, a bed file that defines which regions should be investigated, etc. Dataloader arguments are given defined as a yaml dictionary with argument names as keys, e.g.:

           md5: 765sadf876a
           md5: 786as8d7aasd

An argument has the following fields:

  • doc: A free text field describing the argument
  • example: A value that can be used to demonstrate the functionality of the dataloader and of the entire model. Those example files are very useful for users and for automatic testing procedures. For example the command line call kipoi test uses the exmaple values given for dataloader arguments to assess that a model can be used and is functional. It is therefore important to submit the URLs of all necessary example files with the model.
  • type: Optional: datatype of the argument (str, bool, int, float)
  • default: This field is used to define external zenodo or figshare links that are automatically downloaded and assigned. See example below.
  • optional: Optional: Boolean flag (true / false) for an argument if it is optional.

If your dataloader requires an external data file at runtime which are not example/test files, you can specify these using the default attribute. default will override the default arguments of the dataloader init method (e.g. dataloader.MyDataloader.__init__). Example:

defined_as: dataloader.MyDataset
       default: 10
       default:  # download and replace with the path on the local filesystem
           md5: 765sadf876a


The info field of a dataloader.yaml file contains general information about the model.

  • authors: a list of authors with the field: name, and the optional fields: github and email. Where the github name is the github user id of the respective author
  • doc: Free text documentation of the dataloader. A short description of what it does.
  • version: Version of the dataloader
  • license: String indicating the license, if not defined it defaults to MIT
  • tags: A list of key words describing the dataloader and its use cases

A dummy example could look like this:

    - name: My Name
      github: myGithubName
      email: [email protected]
  doc: Datalaoder for my fancy model description
  version: 1.0
  license: GNU
    - TFBS
    - tag2


output_schema defines what the dataloader outputs are, what they consist in, what the dimensions are and some additional meta data.

output_schema contains three categories inputs, targets and metadata. inputs and targets each specify the shapes of data generated for the model input and model. Offering the targets option enables the opportunity to possibly train models with the same dataloader.

In general model inputs and outputs can either be a numpy array, a list of numpy arrays or a dictionary (or OrderedDict) of numpy arrays. Whatever format is defined in the schema is expected to be produced by the dataloader and is expected to be accepted as input by the model. The three different kinds are represented by the single entries, lists or dictionaries in the yaml definition:

  • A single numpy array as input or target:
       name: seq
       shape: (1000,4)
  • A list of numpy arrays as inputs or targets:
       - name: seq
         shape: (1000,4)
       - name: inp2
         shape: (10)
  • A list of numpy arrays as inputs or targets:
         shape: (1000,4)
         shape: (10)


The inputs fields of output_schema may be lists, dictionaries or single occurences of the following entries:

  • shape: Required: A tuple defining the shape of a single input sample. E.g. for a model that predicts a batch of (1000, 4) inputs shape: (1000, 4) should be set. If a dimension is of variable size then the numerical should be replaced by None.
  • doc: A free text description of the model input
  • name: Name of model input, not required if input is a dictionary.
  • special_type: Possibility to flag that respective input is a 1-hot encoded DNA sequence (special_type: DNASeq) or a string DNA sequence (special_type: DNAStringSeq).
  • associated_metadata: Link the respective model input to metadata, such as a genomic region. E.g: If model input is a DNA sequence, then metadata may contain the genomic region from where it was extracted. If the associated metadata field is called ranges then associated_metadata: ranges has to be set.


The targets fields of schema may be lists, dictionaries or single occurences of the following entries:

  • shape: Required: Details see in input
  • doc: A free text description of the model target
  • name: Name of model target, not required if target is a dictionary.
  • column_labels: Labels for the tasks of a multitask matrix output. Can be the file name of a text file containing the task labels (one label per line).


Metadata fields capture additional information on the data generated by the dataloader. So for example a model input can be linked to a metadata field using its associated_metadata flag (see above). The metadata fields themselves are yaml dictionaries where the name of the metadata field is the key of dictionary and possible attributes are:

  • doc: A free text description of the metadata element
  • type: The datatype of the metadata field: str, int, float, array, GenomicRanges. Where the convenience class GenomicRanges is defined in kipoi.metadata, which is essentially an in-memory representation of a bed file.

Definition of metadata is essential for postprocessing algorihms such as variant effect prediction. Please refer to their detailed description for their requirements.

An example of the defintion of dataloader.yaml with metadata can be seen here:

       - name: seq
         shape: (1000,4)
         associated_metadata: my_ranges
       - name: inp2
         shape: (10)
            type: GenomicRanges
            doc: Region from where inputs.seq was extracted


One of the core elements of ensuring functionality of a dataloader is to define software dependencies correctly and strictly. Dependencies can be defined for conda and for pip using the conda and pip sections respectively.

Both can either be defined as a list of packages or as a text file (ending in .txt) which lists the dependencies.

Conda as well as pip dependencies can and should be defined with exact versions of the required packages, as defining a package version using e.g.: package>=1.0 is very likely to break at some point in future.


Conda dependencies can be defined as lists or if the dependencies are defined in a text file then the path of the text must be given (ending in .txt).

If conda packages need to be loaded from a channel then the nomenclature channel_name::package_name can be used.


Pip dependencies can be defined as lists or if the dependencies are defined in a text file then the path of the text must be given (ending in .txt).